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Dr. Steven M. Grice is a research professor and executive director of Mississippi State University’s NSPARC, an internationally recognized multidisciplinary research center providing tailored research, analysis, and software architecture services. NSPARC research emphasizes applying the latest methodological and machine learning approaches to administrative records and longitudinal data systems to draw meaningful insights from data to address challenges faced by policymakers, employers, economic developers, and state agencies.

Dr. Grice has been instrumental in bringing in over $110 million in research funding. His research interests and expertise are in the area of data analytics as applied to education, economics, and workforce development, especially as it pertains to policymaking and data governance around information and data sharing, improving governmental and business efficiency, and integrated information system design. Dr. Grice has authored or co-authored more than 70 journal articles, book chapters, policy briefs, and reports. He is published in many areas and his work appears in technical reports, book chapters, policy briefs, and journals such as Demography, Rural Sociology, Society and Natural Resources, Journal of the Community Development Society, Social Science Quarterly, Southern Rural Sociology, Sociological Spectrum, and Journal of Poverty. 

Dr. Grice earned his doctoral degree in sociology from Mississippi State University.