Lieutenant Colonel Brenda D. Bustillos
Lieutenant Colonel Bustillos is currently stationed at the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) in Fort Eustis, Virginia and serves as the Command Dietitian. She is on the team that implemented the Army Combat Fitness Test and is one of the initial Action Officers who developed and implemented the Army’s Holistic Health & Fitness (H2F) System. LTC Bustillos will transition to the role of Director of Nutritional Readiness in the Soldier Performance Division at Defense Heath Headquarters, US Army Office of the Surgeon General / US Army Medical Command, Falls Church, VA this summer. LTC
Bustillos is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian by trade, but her greatest career achievements center on research and health policy. She has a doctoral degree in Public Health from Texas A&M University Health Science Center in College Station, Texas.