Jack Riggins

Jack earned an NROTC scholarship and graduated from The University of Nebraska in 1998, then graduated from Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL School (BUD/S) Class 222 in 1999. Jack graduated from the Army Command and General Staff College and holds a master’s degree in Global/International Affairs and Interagency Collaboration from Kansas University. Jack retired from Naval service in 2018.
Jack deployed around the globe and led SEALs and Special Operations Forces in the War on Terrorism his entire Naval career, beginning with contingency operations as part of the United States initial response from October to December 2001, after the 9/11 attacks. Later, assigned to SEAL Team THREE Jack was the Commander of Naval Special Warfare Task Unit-Ramadi, Iraq in charge of counterterrorism and counterinsurgency operations in Al-Anbar Province. At Special Reconnaissance Team ONE, Jack focused on Multidiscipline Intelligence Support Missions for SEAL Team, Special Mission Units, and other government agencies. Jack’s last assignment was as the Director of Combating Terrorism for Special Operations Command Europe, alongside NATO Allies and Regional Partner Nations.
Jack has also been a volunteer leadership and cultural dynamics advisor to Nebraska Athletics, Creighton Athletics, Midland University, Pro-athletes, Olympians, and various business leaders across the region the last decade.
Jack has been an active advocate of our nations wounded warriors and Veterans. Jack co-founded Nebraska Support for SEALs (NSS) which provides annually a weekend family retreat for Active-Duty SEAL families here in Nebraska and raises funds for the SEAL-NSW Family Foundation (NSFF). Jack is on the board of the Nebraska Soldiers Foundation and supports Nebraska PGA REACH, Nebraska Golf Fore Troops and nationally NS2 Serves.
Jack has been married to his college sweetheart Kate for 24 years, and has four children: Cap (21), JJ (19), Molly (18), and Suzie (16). Jack spends his free time along with his wife raising his family, enjoying and supporting their adventures, hunting birdies on the golf course, and enjoying all things Nebraska.