Athlete Engineering Summit 2024

April 16 - 17, 2024
The Mill (Mississippi State University)
The theme of our 2024 conference will be: “Building a Human Performance Culture.” With the recent push by the industrial and military sectors to incorporate a sports team training mindset, human performance practitioners play an ever more critical role in our world today. Having the right human performance staff, however, doesn’t always mean this health and safety training approach is built on the right foundation or solving for the right problems. Before any technology is purchased to monitor the human and data aids in decisions making, the basics of performance must be baselined, and the right questions must be asked. This year’s Athlete Engineering Summit will provide all human performance verticals (sports, industry, military, medical, and academic) with information and actionable takeaways based on four key areas:
Nutrition, hydration, and fueling,
Sleep, recovery, and mental health,
The building blocks for sustaining a true human performance culture, and
Future Casting: Integrating AI and data for accelerated readiness.
The format for this year’s summit will be modified to emphasize interactive learning sessions for the entire audience and additional networking. The experts presenting will include sports team coaches, health and safety managers from industry, human performance trainers from the military, along with engineers, data scientists, and wearable and human performance technology experts. Combining practitioner experience with applied research across all sectors is the foundation from which Athlete Engineering was built.
“During last year’s event, attendees learned that we need to speak the same language across sectors as we are often solving for the same human performance problems. This year, it’s important that we equip practitioners serving all athlete types with the right tools for problem solving and culture building,” Associate Vice President for Research, Reuben Burch said. “Understanding how the body performs and the technology collects data is important but means little if we are focusing our attention in the wrong areas. I think attendees over the last couple of years have walked away with great information and a much deeper, national network of contacts, but I want these experts to return home from the event with actionable direction and next steps. The 2024 Athlete Engineering Summit will highlight existing health and safety opportunities within the state of Mississippi, how we approached those needs, and focused our resources to bolster athlete cultures while looking into the future with AI in human performance. Let us teach you how this was accomplished so that you can ensure all your athletes, regardless of type, are happy, healthy, and productive.”
This summit’s theme and topics intentional target health and safety experts from all sectors because, as the last two summits have demonstrated, we still have a lot to learn from each other. Athlete Engineering Summit 2024 will empower all attendees to walk away with actionable steps.
Justin Haley NASCAR Driver | Wesley Barnett Thorne | Julien Blin Upside | Dave Bollwinkel Chicago Bulls |
Mondlie “E” Brave Ingalls Shipbuilding | Dr. Reuben Burch Mississippi State University | Dr. Bull Burgos Mississippi State University | Meridith Cass Nix Biosensors |
David Chambers Southwest Research Institute | Maggie Corry Booz | Allen | Hamilton | Collin Crane University of Georgia | Anna Cruse University of Utah |
Dr. Keith D’Amelio Elite Performance Consultant | Dylan Dahlquist Booz | Allen | Hamilton | Allison DeKuiper Tampa Bay Rays | Scott Dembowski US Army |
Dr. Michael Dial The Ohio State University | Dr. Rob Faulk Pat Tillman Foundation | Justin Foster The Excelling Edge | Craig Gile CoolMitt |
Dr. Zack Gillen Mississippi State University | Brett Grelle UFC | Andrea Hudy University of Connecticut | Dr. Pay Ivey University of Louisville |
Paul Jones The Ohio State University | Ashley Kowalewski Louisiana State University | Dr. Ted Lambrinides Sports Science Consultant | Olicer Moorhouse BrainLit |
Alexis Moran Ingalls Shipbuilding | Dr. Adam Petway University of Louisville | Spencer Posey US Army | Sonya Rahmani Booz | Allen | Hamilton |
Dr. Ernie Rimer University of Louisville | David Saucier Mississippi State University | Dr. Chris Shumeyko Booz | Allen | Hamilton | Dr. Meeta Singh Performance Sleep Optimization |
Munjeet Singh Booz | Allen | Hamilton | Dr. Cory Smith Baylor University | Dr. Andreas Stamatis University of Louisville | Dr. Gregg Steinberg Austin Peay State University |
Spencer Tatum Tatum Human Performance | Joel Totoro Thorne | Colonel James L. Weinstein US Air Force | Jesse Wright Balance The Bar |
Nick Zimmerman Mississippi State University |