Damon Darsey

Damon Darsey is a physician that holds two board certifications in emergency medicine and emergency medical services (EMS) with over twenty years of experience in public safety, field and emergency medicine. He was the founding physician of the Mississippi Center for Emergency Services. This emergency response umbrella organization includes a medical communications center (Mississippi MED-COM), a critical care transport division (AirCare), a Public Safety Support Division, and a traditional advanced life support ambulance service at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. In 2021, Dr. Darsey started a healthcare consulting firm that provides support to regional and community hospitals in areas supporting the acute care and coordination of patient movement. His professional passion remains in supporting the medical care and wellness of public safety professionals throughout Mississippi and bringing attention to the needs of rural public safety professionals at the local, state and federal levels.
Darsey has been the principal investigator in nearly $35 million of grants focusing on the clinical interest and academic interest of improving the communications, care, and coordination of first responders and the medical care provided in the field since 2010.